App allegedly strips advertisements, lets users download videos Google on Wednesday demanded that Microsoft yank its YouTube app for Windows Phone from the market andRead More
Category: Tech
Dell deal on Windows RT, dubious Windows 8 sales numbers Along with whatever other problems Windows 8 faces, Microsoft partners interested in making machines thatRead More
The browser-based version of Office will get real-time co-authoring and other enhancements in the coming year Microsoft plans to accelerate improvements in Office Web Apps,Read More
Summary: About 20 percent of compromised credentials, exposed via hacks on other service providers, match Microsoft Account logins due to password reuse Around 20 percentRead More
With the advancement of a government-wide digital strategy that puts a premium on mobile computing, telecommuting could become a reality for a greater share ofRead More
Six years after first iPhone shipped, Samsung sells more smartphones than next four vendors combined, IDC says Six years after the sale of the firstRead More
Which SaaS vendor just passed the billion-dollar mark? Microsoft Office 365 seems to be catching on. Despite a lot of confusion around how it works,Read More
Analysts urge company to recant design ideology as nod to customer complaints Microsoft may recant its Windows 8 design theology, bloggers reported Tuesday, by offeringRead More
QUESTION 1 You work as a senior developer at The network consists of a single domain named You are running a trainingRead More
The ArrayComm CEO is thrilled to see cell phones thrive — despite AT&T. Martin Cooper isn’t just the father of the cellular phone – he’sRead More