As is well-known to everyone, MCTS certification is purely for the IT professionals who are interested to gain mcsa knowledge and seek for a career change with MCTS can select this certification program. Microsoft certified technology specialist is the other term for MCTS. From this certification program, professionals can learn more details about Microsoft technology such as SQL server, vista, XP etc. By gaining knowledge with these latest technologies will help the professionals to have a great career from MCTS certification.

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This certification can be said as one of the foundations for Microsoft certifications and candidates are showing more interest in certifying with this program each year because it is guaranteed to the candidates that they can get in to multinational companies in a short period of time. From this certification, candidates will be able to perform various tasks like debugging, implementing, troubleshooting various Microsoft technologies. After successfully certifying with this certification, candidates can become one of the certified professionals with all accesses, benefits.
For certifying with MCTS certification, it is very important to the candidates in selecting their desired technology for certifying. Candidates are allowed to select various certification exams that will suit them best and along with those exams, one functional examination will help them to certify with various MCITP Enterprise Administrator designations.
Totally, there are 17 types of MCTS designations and candidates can certify them one by one if they wish. Each designation has its own importance in a particular specialization or field. There are various examinations that are combination of two or more designations and candidates can easily earn those credentials from those examination. Combination examination will be three times tougher than the normal exam and therefore, it is necessary for the candidates to concentrate more on these combination MCTS exams.
For having very effective practice for MCTS certification program, candidates can select assessment test that is offered from Microsoft and this test will be very helpful to the candidates in knowing about what technology does. Candidates who are more convenient in self learning can select study guides or materials from Microsoft directly rather than selecting other sources. Study materials from Microsoft will be very helpful to the candidates and also they costs lesser when compared to other sources. The main examination will continue for up to 4 hours of time duration and candidates can know the result for MCSE exams written within 4 to 8 weeks.