MB-200 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement Core (beta)
Languages: English
Audiences: IT Professionals
Technology: Microsoft Dynamics 365
Skills measured
This exam measures your ability to accomplish the technical tasks listed
below. The percentages indicate the relative weight of each major topic area on
the exam. The higher the percentage, the more questions you are likely to see on
that content area on the exam. View video tutorials about the variety of
question types on Microsoft exams.
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Perform Discovery, Planning, and Analysis (5-10%)
Create and Validate Documentation
May include but is not limited to: Create high-level entity relationship
diagram, create and document mock-ups, identify document data for migration and
integration, determine out of the box (OOB) functionality, validate functional
requirements, select artifacts necessary for a proof of concepts (POC) of
functional solution designs
Perform continuous collaboration with customer
May include but is not limited to: Identify collaboration tools, perform an
audit, identify artifacts to be recorded in change logs, select between managed
and unmanaged solutions, identify components for entities
Manage user experience design (20-25%)
Create and Configure Apps
May include but is not limited to: Configure settings to meet minimal
capabilities, configure out of the box and custom items to meet minimal
capabilities specified, create and configure dashboards, create and configure
forms, create and configure charts, create and manage reports, create and
configure views, design site map, export or Import Field Translation, configure
mobile settings
Create and Configure Templates
May include but is not limited to: Identify available templates in Dynamics 365,
create email templates, create Excel templates, create Word templates
Create and manage processes
May include but is not limited to: Configure a business rule, configure a
business process flow, configure a workflow
Manage Entities and Data (15-20%)
Modify an existing data model
May include but is not limited to: Create new or modify an existing entity,
create new or modify existing relationships, create new or modify existing
fields, manage accounts and contacts
Import and export Data
May include but is not limited to: Import data by using the import data wizard,
export data from Dynamics 365, create data templates, choose file types to
upload into system, identify Source Fields to Dynamics 365 Fields mapping, save
mappings to template
Manage Data
May include but is not limited to: Perform data cleanup, mitigate data loading
risks, mitigate excessive database growth, configure bulk record deletion,
configure duplicate detection setting
Implement Security (5-10%)
Configure security in Office 365
May include but is not limited to: Identify Dynamics 365 security role
assignments, add Users to Security Group Administration
Configure security settings
May include but is not limited to: Manage security roles, manage users, manage
teams, create and manage field security profiles, configure hierarchy security
Implement Integration (15-20%)
Configure Outlook add-in
May include but is not limited to: Identify required client software
requirements, identify required server software requirements, configure
Server-Side Sync, develop a plan to deploy Outlook App to Users, perform unit
testing, identify minimum application and operation system environments
Configure email integration
May include but is not limited to: Configure email mailboxes, configure email
protocols, configure email settings, enable server-side synchronization, enable
Dynamics 365 App for Outlook
Integrate with Office 365
May include but is not limited to: Determine enabled Office 365 capabilities,
design SharePoint online folder configuration architecture, create SharePoint
sites and document locations, integrate OneNote, integrate OneDrive for
Business, configure integration with the Office 365 toolset, validate integrity
of data in SharePoint, integrate data by using Excel data online
Create, configure, and maintain Microsoft Flows
May include but is not limited to: Create service connections, configure source
and target fields, create, validate, and execute Microsoft Flow logic, share
flows with other users
Perform Solutions Deployment and Testing (25-30%)
Manage environments
May include but is not limited to: Determine whether to use managed or unmanaged
solution, determine subcomponents to include in solution, create or use a custom
publisher, migrate from sandbox environments, administer environments, configure
Manage applications
May include but is not limited to: Manage applications using the Dynamics 365
Administration Center, manage Dynamics 365 applications using solutions
Perform system administration
May include but is not limited to: Configure connection roles, configure
language and locales, configure currencies, configure subjects, configure custom
help, configure session and inactivity timeouts, manage global audit settings,
configure audit user access, manage audit logs, manage entity and field
auditing, configure relevant search, configure QuickFind settings, configure
categorized search
Perform quality assurance
May include but is not limited to: Create system, performance, unit, and
regression testing scripts, perform performance tuning, perform optimization
testing, verify network capacity and throughput by using the Dynamics 365
Diagnostics Tool, perform data query performance
Manage solutions
May include but is not limited to: Create solutions, export solutions, import
solutions, distribute solutions and patches
Preparation options
Self-paced training
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Who should take this exam?
Candidates for this exam are functional consultants who have access to the
features and functionality of the enterprise licensed product. As a functional
consultant, the candidate is aware of bundled versions of features but does not
primarily work with these bundled products.
Candidates are primarily responsible for configuring the system to meet client
needs, performing design tasks related to implementing new features and
functionality, and implementing and testing system changes.
Candidates plan the functional design for solutions, implement an application
lifecycle management (ALM) process, migrate data and objects from legacy and
external systems, integrate Power Platform with other systems, and manage the
Power Platform environment.
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