Number of questions: 60
Number of questions to pass: 38
Time allowed: 90.0 mins
Status: Live
The test consists of 5 sections containing a total of approximately 60
multiple-choice questions. The percentages after each section title reflect the
approximate distribution of the total question set across the sections.
Section 1: Monitor outputs of configured use cases. 15%
Perform dashboard customization.
Review outputs in all available QRadar Tabs (Dashboards, Log Activity, Network
Activity, Assets, etc.).
Navigate to, from and within an offense.
Distinguish offenses from triggered rules.
Review security access trends and anomalies.
Review security risks and network vulnerabilities detected by QRadar.
Describe the different types of rules like behavioral, event, flow, common,
offense, anomaly and threshold rules.
Section 2: Perform initial investigation of alerts and offenses created by
QRadar. 35%
Describe the use of the magnitude of an offense.
Describe the QRadar network hierarchy.
Explain Offense details on offense details view, why/how it was created.
Identify contributing event and or flow information for an offence.
Show offense lifecycle (e.g., Open, Closed, Assigned, Hidden, Protected).
Illustrate the right click function (ie., event filtering, plugins, information,
navigate, other).
Break down triggered rules to identify the reason of the offense.
Distinguish potential threats from probable false positives.
Review the vulnerabilities and threat assessment of the hosts that are involved
in the offense.
Describe the roles of security devices such as firewall, IDS/IPS, Proxy,
Authentication devices, Antivirus software supported by QRadar.
Perform offense management such as assign an offense to a user, close, protect
or hide an offense, add notes, send email or mark the offense for follow-up.
Demonstrate how to export Flow/Event data for external analysis.
Summarize the characteristics of the Standard Custom Properties, User-defined
Custom Properties and Normalized properties.
Outline Offense Closing Procedures.
Section 3: Identify and escalate undesirable rule behavior to administrator.
Report potential false positives.
Report rule usage and offenses generated by those rules.
Report any abnormal security access trends and events to security admins.
Report threats, risks, or vulnerabilities to network/security admins, based on
Outline simple Offense naming mechanisms.
Interpret rules that test for regular expressions.
Explain relevant test and the test order of the rules.
Illustrate the difference between rule responses and rule actions (e.g.
Recognize the “special” Building Blocks: Host Definition, Cat Definition, Port
Describe the usage of the log sources, flow sources, vulnerability scanners, and
reference data.
Identify why rules are not being triggered as expected (e.g., dropped from CRE,
or local vs global, stateful counters).
Section 4: Extract information for regular or adhoc distribution to consumer
of outputs. 17%
Perform searches using filters.
Perform Quick (Lucene) searches.
Perform Advanced (AQL) searches.
Explain the different uses for each search type (ie., filtered, Quick and
Intepret a timeseries graph in a dashboard.
Select suitable standard Reports for a situation.
Create and generate scheduled and manual reports.
Share findings about offenses by distributing offense detail via email.
Discuss the content of an event or flow, including the normalized fields.
Section 5: Identify and escalate issues with regards to QRadar health and
functionality. 13%
Explain QRadar architecture by summarizing QRadar components (ie., Console,
Event Processor, Event Collector, Flow Processor, Data Nodes and Flow Collector,
App host).
Interpret common system notifications.
Illustrate the impact of QRadar property indexes.
Distinguish when an event has coalesced information in it.
Illustrate events that are not correctly parsed.
Explain QRadar timestamps (e.g., Log Source Time, Storage time, Start time).
Report any agents or log sources that are not reporting to QRadar on a regular
PartnerWorld Code: C0003502
Replaces PW Code: 38007401
Status: Live
This entry level certification is intended for security analysts who wish to
validate their comprehensive knowledge of IBM Security QRadar SIEM V7.3.2.
These security analysts will understand basic networking, basic Security and
SIEM and QRadar concepts.
They will also understand how to log in to, navigate within, and explain
capabilities of the product using the graphical user interface.
Additionally, they will also be able to identify causes of offenses, and access,
interpret, and report security information in a QRadar deployment.
Note: The function of specific apps, apart from the two bundled with the
product, is out of scope, but the concept of extending the capability of using
apps is in scope.
Recommended Prerequisite Skills
Basic knowledge of:
SIEM concepts
TCP/IP Networking
IT Security concepts
General IT skills (browser navigation etc…)
internet security attack types
additional features that need additional licenses including but not limited to
QRadar Vulnerability Manager, QRadar Risk Manager, QRadar Flows, Incident
This certification requires 1 exam
Exam Required:
Click on the link below to see exam details, exam objectives, suggested training
and sample tests.
C1000-018 – IBM QRadar SIEM V7.3.2 Fundamental Analysis
The test:
is available at a 50% discount from July to September 2019. To receive the
discount, register for and take Test C1000-018 with promotion code HUCSECURE
from July to September 2019.
contains questions requiring single and multiple answers. For multiple-answer
questions, you need to choose all required options to get the answer correct.
You will be advised how many options make up the correct answer.
is designed to provide diagnostic feedback on the Examination Score Report,
correlating back to the test objectives, informing the test taker how he or she
did on each section of the test. As a result, to maintain the integrity of each
test, questions and answers are not distributed.
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