A great way to start the Juniper Networks Certified Professional Service Provider Routing and Switching (JNCIP-SP) preparation is to begin by properly appreciating the role that syllabus and study guide play in the Juniper JN0-663 certification exam. This study guide is an instrument to get you on the same page with Juniper and understand the nature of the Juniper JNCIP Service Provider exam.
Our team of experts has composed this Juniper JN0-663 exam preparation guide to provide the overview about Juniper Service Provider Routing and Switching Professional exam, study material, sample questions, practice exam and ways to interpret the exam objectives to help you assess your readiness for the Juniper JNCIP-SP exam by identifying prerequisite areas of knowledge. We recommend you to refer the simulation questions and practice test listed in this guide to determine what type of questions will be asked and the level of difficulty that could be tested in the Juniper JNCIP Service Provider certification exam.
Juniper JN0-663 Exam Overview:
Exam Name Service Provider Routing and Switching Professional
Exam Number JN0-663 JNCIP-SP
Duration 120 minutes
Number of Questions 65
Passing Score Pass / Fail (60-70% Approx.)
Recommended Training Advanced Junos Service Provider Routing (AJSPR)
Junos Layer 2 VPNs (JL2V)
Junos Layer 3 VPNs (JL3V)
Exam Registration PEARSON VUE
Practice Exam Juniper Networks Certified Professional Service Provider Routing and Switching Practice Test
Juniper JN0-663 Exam Topics:
Section Objectives
OSPF Describe the concepts, operation, or functionality of OSPFv2 or OSPFv3
OSPF area types and operations
LSA flooding through an OSPF multi-area network
DR/BDR operation
SPF algorithm
Metrics, including external metric types
Summarize and restrict routes
Virtual links
OSPFv2 versus OSPFv3
Given a scenario, demonstrate knowledge of how to configure or monitor single-area or multi-area OSPF
Implement OSPF routing policy
IS-IS Describe the concepts, operation, or functionality of IS-IS
IS-IS areas/levels and operations
LSP flooding through an IS-IS multi-area network
DIS operation
SPF algorithm
Metrics, including wide metrics
Route summarization and route leaking
Given a scenario, demonstrate knowledge of how to configure or monitor single-area or multi-area IS-IS
Implement IS-IS routing policy
BGP Describe the concepts, operation, or functionality of BGP
BGP route selection process
Next hop resolution
BGP attributes: concept and operation
BGP communities
Regular expressions
Load balancing
Advanced BGP options
BGP route damping
Multiprotocol BGP
Describe the concepts, operation, or functionality of BGP scaling mechanisms
Route reflection
Given a scenario, demonstrate knowledge of how to configure or monitor BGP
Implement BGP routing policy
Class of Service (CoS) Describe the concepts, operation, or functionality of Junos CoS
CoS processing on Junos devices
CoS header fields
Forwarding classes
Packet loss priority
Drop profiles
Rewrite rules
Given a scenario, demonstrate knowledge of how to configure or monitor CoS
IP Multicast Describe the concepts, operation, or functionality of IP multicast
Components of IP multicast, including multicast addressing
IP multicast traffic flow
Any-Source Multicast (ASM) versus Source-Specific Multicast (SSM)
RPF: concept and operation
PIM dense-mode and sparse-mode
Rendezvous point (RP): concept, operation, discovery, and election
SSM: requirements, benefits, address ranges
Anycast RP
Given a scenario, demonstrate knowledge of how to configure or monitor IGMP, PIM-DM, or PIM-SM (including SSM)
Implement IP multicast routing policy
Layer 3 VPNs Describe the concepts, operation, or functionality of Layer 3 VPNs
Traffic flow: control and data planes
Full mesh versus hub-and-spoke topology
VPN-IPv4 addressing
Route distinguishers
Route targets
Route distribution
Site of origin
Sham links
Next-generation MVPNs
Flow of control and data traffic in an MVPN
Layer 3 VPN scaling
IPv6 Layer 3 VPNs
Layer 3 VPN Internet access options
– Given a scenario, demonstrate knowledge of how to configure or monitor the components of Layer 3 VPNs
– Describe Junos support for carrier-of-carriers or interprovider VPN models
Layer 2 VPNs Describe the concepts, operation, or functionality of BGP Layer 2 VPNs
Traffic flow: control and data planes
Forwarding tables
Connection mapping
Layer 2 VPN NLRI
Route distinguishers
Route targets
Layer 2 VPN scaling
Describe the concepts, operation, or functionality of LDP Layer 2 circuits
Traffic flow: control and data planes
Virtual circuit label
Layer 2 interworking
Describe the concepts, operation, or functionality of VPLS
Traffic flow: control and data planes
BGP VPLS label distribution
LDP VPLS label distribution
Route targets
VPLS Multihoming
Site IDs
Describe the concepts, operation, or functionality of EVPN
Traffic flow: control and data planes
MAC learning and distribution
EVPN Multihoming
BGP EVPN label distribution
Given a scenario, demonstrate knowledge of how to configure, monitor, or troubleshoot Layer 2 VPNs
BGP Layer 2 VPNs
LDP Layer 2 circuits
Juniper JNCIP-SP Exam Description:
Designed for experienced networking professionals with advanced knowledge of the Juniper Networks Junos OS, this written exam verifies the candidate’s understanding of advanced routing technologies and related platform configuration and troubleshooting skills.
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