Topics for the Apple Service Fundamentals Exam (SVC-19A)
Learn about the Apple Service Fundamentals Exam (SVC-19A), and what sections and topics to expect.
What’s on the exam?
The Apple Service Fundamentals Exam (SVC-19A) is a computer-based knowledge test that Pearson VUE offers online. The test is open resource, and test takers should use Apple references and courses in ATLAS to help answer the exam items.
Successful completion of this exam fulfills the prerequisite requirement for Apple Certified iOS Technician (ACiT) 2019 certification and Apple Certified Mac Technician (ACMT) 2019 certification. You must successfully complete this exam before you take the Mac or iOS certification exams.
Exam summary
Number of sections: 5
Number of learning objectives: 34
Number of total items: 70
Passing score: 80 percent overall (at least 56 out of 70 items to pass)
Exam time limit: 2 hours
The exam starts with seven demographic questions. These questions aren’t scored, and they don’t count toward the exam’s two-hour time limit.
Two separately scored sections must be passed
The exam has two separately scored sections. Each must be passed to pass the entire exam. This is in addition to the overall passing score listed above. They are:
ESD Precautions (at least 10 out of 12 to pass)
Safety (at least 10 out of 12 to pass)
Sections and topics
Here are the sections and topics that the Apple Service Fundamentals Exam covers.
Customer Experience (23 items)
Identify the probing skills that result in getting good information from the customer.
Select good examples of reflecting and summarizing the customer’s answers in order to come to agreement on the issue.
Identify ways to properly position a repair so that the customer knows why it is necessary and is in agreement with the strategy.
Identify ways to position and recommend upgrades and attachments as part of an alternative service strategy.
Demonstrate how to tell a customer “no” while still offering alternatives.
List practical applications of the four cornerstones of adult learning.
Describe the effect of both complex technical language and oversimplified language.
Identify good examples of phrases to help set accurate customer expectations.
Describe the role of empathy in customer satisfaction.
Identify ways to avoid conflict by using genuine empathy.
Identify causes for conflict in an interaction.
Identify the five-step anger diffusion technique given a customer scenario.
Assess and explain the impact of nonverbal communication.
ESD Precautions (12 items)
Correctly identify ESD precautions.
Correctly identify the components of an ESD-compliant workstation.
Use the proper tools, equipment, and procedures to configure a workspace that minimizes or eliminates the occurrence of electrostatic discharge damage.
Correctly identify the effects of ESD damage on an integrated circuit.
Correctly identify common ESD myths and why they are not true.
Safety (12 items)
Identify those customer statements that describe potential safety issues.
Explain the importance of exercising special care when handling lithium-ion/polymer batteries.
Demonstrate the proper and safe handling of batteries and portable computer case assemblies with built-in battery.
Recognize and identify signs and symptoms of damaged batteries and portable computer case assemblies with built-in battery.
Respond to events involving embedded batteries.
Troubleshooting (8 items)
Identify the different stages of troubleshooting and service where diagnostic tools are useful.
List the components of clear, concise, and complete case notes.
Demonstrate basic troubleshooting and deductive reasoning skills
Use smart questioning techniques and first-level evaluation and isolation skills to identify issues as being generally hardware-based, software-based, educational, or environmental in nature.
Product Knowledge (15 items)
Identify the methods for backing up and restoring data on an Apple product.
List and understand basic iOS controls and navigation.
Identify the components of the default macOS user environment.
List Apple Watch controls and navigation.
Given a customer scenario, evaluate, isolate, and resolve an Apple ID-related issue.
List the steps to configure Continuity services in macOS and in iOS.
Describe how to configure a Bluetooth device in an Apple product.
Courses in ATLAS
To prepare for the Apple Service Fundamentals Exam, we suggest that you review courses in the Service Fundamentals subject area in ATLAS.
Technician Tommy is replacing a logic board on a Mac mini. Which of the following should he hold when handling the logic board?
A. Any components
B. The heat sinks
C. The connectors
D. The edges of the logic board
Correct Answer: D
Which of the following is a valid ESD safety precaution?
A. You should place ESD-sensitive circuits on top of metal work surfaces.
B. Keep ion generators away from circuit board or assembly containing ESD-sensitive circuits.
C. Do not wear polyester clothing while working on ESD sensitive components.
D. Always handle logic board by grasping the heat sinks.
Correct Answer: C
A computer service technician says, “I don’t use ESD precautions and have never had a problem.”
Which of the following is the correct response to this statement?
A. ESD damage may not appear immediately.
B. ESD happens only to inexperienced technicians.
C. ESD only occurs in very rare circumstances.
D. ESD damage is really not as bad as everyone thinks.
Correct Answer: C
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