Highly recommend the real H12-811_V1.0 exam questions which are helpful to pass HCIA-Datacom V1.0 certification. The actual questions and answers in Huawei H12-811_V1.0 pdf file have been verified, most customers have prepared their Huawei HCIA-Datacom V1.0 exam well with the great online study materials. This video shares free H12-811_V1.0 questions demo online, you are recommended to watch this video to check the H12-811_V1.0 free questions first.
Course overview
Data communication and network basics
Build an IP network with interconnection and interworking
Ethernet switching network construction
Cyber security infrastructure and network access
What you will Learn
Understand the definition of data communication and the capability model of data communication engineers.
Understand the network reference model and the entire data communication process.
Be familiar with the VRP system and be able to perform basic operations.
Understand IPv4 address protocol and related concepts
Understand the forwarding principles of Layer 3 devices such as routers and Layer 3 switches.
Understand the concept of routing and use static route or OSPF to build a Layer 3 network.
Understand basic Ethernet concepts and describe the functions and working principles of Layer 2 switching devices.
Be familiar with common Ethernet protocols, such as VLAN, Spanning Tree Protocol , link aggregation and stacking.
Configure ACLs and AAA to provide basic security solutions for the network.
Be familiar with the NAT protocol and master the NAT configuration in different scenarios.
Master the configuration of common services on enterprise networks, such as DHCP, FTP and Telnet.
Understand basic WLAN concepts and complete basic configurations of small or medium-sized WLAN networks.
Understand basic WAN concepts and WAN solutions such as MPLS and SR.
Have general knowledge of basic concepts of enterprise network management.
Be familiar with traditional network management and SDN-based network management solutions.
Have a good command of IPv6 protocols and be able to build small-scale IPv6 networks.
Have a good command of the campus network construction process. Be able to independently construct small-sized campus networks.
Understand the basic concepts of SDN and programming automation and master the basics of Python.
HCIA-Datacom V1.0 includes the following contents: Routing and switching principles, basic WLAN principles, basic knowledge of network security, basic knowledge of network management and O&M, and basic knowledge of SDN and programming automation.
Passing the HCIA-Datacom V1.0 certification will indicate that you are capable of planning, design, deployment, O&M, and optimization of small- and medium-sized campus networks.
Knowledge content :
The HCIA-Datacom V1.0 exam covers:
1. Basic knowledge of the TCP/IP protocol stack.
2. Basic principles of the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing protocol and its implementation in Huawei routers.
3. Ethernet technology, spanning tree, VLAN, stacking technology and their implementation in Huawei switches.
4. Network security technology and their implementation in Huawei routing and switching devices.
5. WLAN technologies and basic principles and their implementation on Huawei wireless devices.
6. Basic principles of network management (such as SNMP).
7. Basic principles of WAN protocols (such as PPP) and their implementation on Huawei routers.
8. Basic knowledge of IPv6 and basic principles and implementation of ICMPv6 and DHCPv6.
9. Basic principles of SDN and implementation of Huawei products and solutions.
10. Basic principles of programming automation.
Exam Code: H12-811
Exam Type: Written examination
Exam Format: Single-answer Question, Multiple-answer Question, True or false, Short Response Item, Drag and Drop Item
Time: 90min
Passing Score/Total Score: 600/1000
Language: Chinese,English, Spanish
We have prepared these tests course for all those candidates who are planning of taking HCIA-Datacom exam in near future.
This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed, or trademarked with Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd in any way.
Who this course is for:
Who wants to become Data Communication Engineers
Who wants to obtain the HCIA-Datacom Certification
Be familiar with PC operations.
Basic understanding of IT technologies and network knowledge
Examkingdom Huawei H12-811_V1.0 Exam Brain dump pdf, Certkingdom Huawei H12-811_V1.0 Brain Dumps PDF

Best Huawei H12-811_V1.0 Certification, Huawei H12-811_V1.0 Brain Dumps Training at Certkingdom.com
As shown in the figure, there are three data packets captured by the administrator on the network.
Which of the following statements is incorrect? (Single choice question)
Source destination protocol info>telnetï¼»SYNï¼½seqï¼0winï¼8192Lenï¼0mssï¼146010.0.12.2
TCP telnet:50190 ï¼»SYN,ACKï¼½seg-0 Ack-1 win-8192 Len-0mss=1460 TCP50190>telnet(ACK)seq-1Ack=1win=81921en=0
A. None of these three data packets contain application layer data
B. These three data packets represent the three-way handshake process of TCP
C. The telnet client uses port 50190 to establish a connection with the server
D. The IP address of the telnet server is The IP address of the telnet client is
Answer: D
The network administrator configures the RTA on the Huawei router as shown in the figure. If a user needs to be authenticated in the authentication domain “huawei”, which of the following descriptions is correct? () (Single-choice question)
(RTA) aaa
(RTA-aaa) domain huawei
(RTA-aaa-doaain huavei) authentication -schene au1
(RTA-aaa-dogairhuavel) authenticIcation-schene au2
A.Will use “authentication-scheme aul” authentication
B. “Authentication-scheme aul authentication will be used. If “au1 is deleted.”au2 authentication will be used
C. “Authentication-scheme au2 authentication will be used. If “au2” is deleted, “aul authentication will be used
D. Will use “authentication-scheme au2” authentication
Answer: C
What is wrong about the description of the information as shown in the figure? () (Single-choice question) (RI) display interface g0/0/0
GlgabltEtherneto/0/0 current state :Adainistratively DOWN Line protocol current state :DOWN
A.GigbitEthernet (/0/0 interface is connected to a wrong cable
B. The GigbitEthernet0/0/0 interface is not configured with an IP address
C. The GigbitEthernet0/0/0 interface was manually closed by the administrator
D.GigbitEthernet (0/0/0 interface does not enable dynamic routing protocol
Answer: C
As shown in the figure, it can be judged that 00e0-fc99-9999 is the specific host and MAC address learned by the switch through ARP. And the host has changed its IP address three times? () (Singlechoice question) 00e0-fc01-0203 E1/0/0 00e0-fc99-9999 Eth-Trunk 1 00e0-fc99-9999 vlan100 00e0-fc99-9999 vlan200
A. True
B. False
Answer: B