Google’s sensors avoid trouble, even when other drivers try to distract the cars Google’s self-driving car technology likely will not be available for several moreRead More
Google’s sensors avoid trouble, even when other drivers try to distract the cars Google’s self-driving car technology likely will not be available for several moreRead More
Cities getting gigabit-speed fiber Internet could also gain Wi-Fi networks Google is considering deploying Wi-Fi networks in towns and cities covered by its Google FiberRead More
Google is going to stop allowing non-sanctioned extensions to work on its Chrome for Windows browser. It’s for your safety, you understand. The sad marchRead More
Network of support starts in seven North American cities Google announced today it is building a network for tech entrepreneurs in seven North American cities.Read More
App allegedly strips advertisements, lets users download videos Google on Wednesday demanded that Microsoft yank its YouTube app for Windows Phone from the market andRead More
Technology is advancing day by day in fact the new technology is no killing the old technology in reality it is advancing the previous versions,Read More
IT AND Microsoft Certification At Certkingdom.com Thought I would make this post to give people the feedback about my first IT certification MCSE 2003. AsRead More
Greatest Tech Battles Ever Told In honor of the patent war heating up between Apple and Samsung, we’re looking back at epic tech battles. TheRead More
From Nintendo Maps to YouTube DVD collections April 1 is typically one of the most annoying days on the Internet, as just about everyone feelsRead More
Whittaker says CEO Larry Page took his eye off innovation to chase Facebook Computerworld – A former Google executive has said the company is soRead More